Silver pair of scissors cutting through damp blonde hair used in hairdressing apprenticeships.

Hairdressing apprenticeships are one of the most popular apprenticeships with females, however an increasing amount of males are also applying.

In hairdressing apprenticeships you start your career by working as a junior in an established salon, which means you will assist senior hairdressers directly, while they train you to become a junior stylist. During this time, your main job will consist of the core business tasks, such as taking appointments, washing, shampooing, conditioning, drying hair and you may also get the opportunity to apply hair-dye while under supervision. Alongside all of this you will be studying various hair topics, which include effects of chemicals on skin and hair, hair colour selection and if you are interested, you can also learn about how product marketing works, how to relax hair of every type and even perms.

Becoming A Hairdresser At An Older Age

Hairdressing is a timeless career, there are no age requirements and you are never too old to start your own. A key benefit hairdressing apprenticeships have is that as a mature age apprentice you will most likely be able to claim credits using your past experience and skills. Young apprentices usually take a long time to complete their training, as they need to be taught how to do everything, older people are more likely to have more effective social skills, are more knowledgeable and have more experience with hair trends and haircuts, and of course, are more responsible overall.

Qualities needed to get hairdressing apprenticeships

Hairdressing is a very sociable career, and as such the following list are typical qualities employers look for in hairdressing apprentices:

  • Excellent social skills to engage with clients
  • Passionate about fashion and hair
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Good listener
  • Interested in other people’s stories
  • A methodical and careful approach to working

Career Opportunities

Hairdressing is a big industry that will never disappear, so you are assured a ‘job for life’. Once you apply to hairdressing apprenticeships and complete it, they become a junior stylist, you will have the option to either work your way up to the director stylist level and beyond, or you can undertake further training in other areas, such as colouring and developing your cutting skills further.
Hair is a major part of fashion, and because everyone needs to get their haircut every so often, there are big opportunities out there by freelancing. You could specialise in specific types of hair and do freelance work, for example: Wedding hair stylist or other special occasions.
The average salaries that hairdressers receive in Australia are between $29,300 – $43,700. But as we mentioned above, there is good potential to earn extra money by finding your own regular clients, who will get their hair cut with you during your free time. Some salons also prefer to rent a seat and equipment to hairdressers with their own clients, which has great potential if you can get a large list of loyal clients who pay well.

Hairdressing Apprenticeship jobs

If you are looking for hairdressing apprenticeships in Australia, have a quick search using the apprenticeships jobs page, if you apply and get an apprenticeship, please write us in the future with your experience, we’d love to hear from you and feature it on

-Mature Age Team
